Cruise along the Danube and through the Iron Gate, the longest and deepest gorge in Europe where the Danube River shows itself in all its splendid beauty. ...
- Cruising the Danube from Belgrade to Kladovo
- Cruising through the Djerdap
- Visiting Lepenski Vir
- Visiting Golubac Fortress
Tour description
1st Day. Belgrade - Smederevo - Ram - Veliko Gradiste - Golubac – Djerdap Gorge – Donji Milanovac -Tekija –Kladovo (240km): (Meeting passengers) Passengers arrive at the Port of Belgrade (Karadjordjeva Street, next to the Branko's Bridge) at 7:15 a.m. Aquastar Maxim cruiser departs at 7:30 am. Cruise starts from the famous Belgrade fortress towards Kladovo, passing by Smederevo, the confluence of the Morava and Danube rivers, medieval fortress Ram, in the area where the Danube is the widest in Serbia. Cruise continues then to the Silver Lake and Veliko Gradiste, passing Golubac Fortress where we enter the National Park Djerdap, also known as the Iron Gate. We cruise through the longest and deepest gorge in Europe, area of unique flora and fauna, where remains of one of the oldest European settlements can be seen. Passing Donji Milanovac, you will have the opportunity to see the place where the Roman Emperor Trajan left a permanent imprint on the rock, known as Tabula Traiana. Arriving in Tekija after a 9.5 hour cruise. Short bus transfer to Kladovo. Accommodation at the Hotel "Aquastar Danube". Dinner. Overnight.
2nd Day. Kladovo: Breakfast. Free time for Spa & Wellness activities (pool, sauna,…) or going to optional excursion: Kladovo – Archaeological Museum - Roman Diana – HP Djerdap – Traian’s Bridge - Kladovo (3,5h). Visiting Djerdap’s Archaeological museum in Kladovo, whose exhibition covers remnants of different Danube cultures from prehistoric, Roman and medieval periods. We continue our trip by visiting Roman fortress Diana, and after Hydro plant Djerdap, built in 1974.y as the biggest project of the year in Europe. It significantly changed the position of the Danube River, the local villages as well as cultural and historical monuments that are located nearby. Next stop is a visit to the remains of Trajan’s bridge. The bridge was built at the beginning of the 2nd century, by the Roman Emperor Trajan in order to cross the Danube and conquer Dacian tribes. Up until the 12th century, the bridge was considered to be the largest in the world. We end this excursion with wine tasting and snack at the hotel. Price: Adults: 30€ per person, children 2-10 y.o. – 15€. Paying at the hotel. Please note, minimum of 15 persons is required for excursions to be realized. Dinner. Overnight.
3rd Day - Kladovo - Lepenski Vir – Captain Misa’s Hill - Golubac Fortress - Belgrade (240km). Breakfast at the hotel and departure by bus at 9:30 am. Driving along the Danube River with short stops. Arriving at the archaeological site Lepenski Vir, which was known as one of the oldest European and world urban settlements, as well as culturally advanced for the Middle Stone Age period (6500 BCE). After site tour, lunch is served in the ethnic restaurant “Captain Misa’s Hill” with breath-taking views of the Danube River and surrounding nature. The journey continues on towards Belgrade, with a short stop at the Golubac Fortress. The fortress was built in mid-14th century, and was many times demolished and rebuilt as a border fortress between Serbia, Hungary and Turkey. This is where the official sightseeing and program ends and after a short drive, arrival in Belgrade is expected in the early evening.
If you are interested in one-day excursion please check the following link: http://www.serbianadventures.com/en/adventure/view/70
real_price_text275 RSD
01. You can see the departures on the tab 'Departure Information' or in the reservation form, in the first field labeled 'Select travel date.' Departure dates are highlighted. Click on a date and proceed with the booking process.
If the offered dates do not suit you, you can check if there is a similar private tour available by using the search engine. You can also send an inquiry by filling out the form at this link: here.
02. The reservation is free of charge, meaning there is no payment required at the time of booking. Your reservation will be forwarded to the travel organizer who is obligated to contact you within a maximum of 24 hours. They will provide payment instructions or inform you about the further outcome of your reservation.
03. If the tour has a promotional price, in the 'Terms and Conditions for Promotional Price' section, you can see how much time is left to make a reservation at the promotional price for the next available departure. In the 'Important Notices' section, you can see until how many days before the departure the promotional price is valid.
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7:15h: Belgrade
- Address of location: Pristanište Beograd (Karađorđeva ulica)
- Dates of departure:
- Fri 16.05.2025
- Fri 20.06.2025
- Fri 04.07.2025
- Fri 11.07.2025
- Fri 18.07.2025
- Fri 25.07.2025
- Fri 01.08.2025
- Fri 08.08.2025
- Fri 15.08.2025
- Fri 22.08.2025
Conditions for free cancellation
Free cancelation is possible 30 days before departure.
Guide language
English, other languages on a request
Notes for transport
Minimum of 45 persons is required for this travel program to be realized.
Note for accommodation
Acomodation i double/twin rooms. HB – Half Board - breakfast and dinner. Children 2 - 9,99 y.o. have 50% discount. Supplement for single room is 45€.
Included in price
- In tour price are included: Danube Cruise from Belgrade to Tekija village according to the travel program, two nights accommodation at Aquastar Danube Hotel 4* in Kladovo, based on halfboard (buffet breakfast and dinner), use of Spa center facilities in the hotel (pool, sauna, turkish bath…), bus transfers from Tekija village to Kladovo on the 1st day, and last day from Kladovo to Belgrade, breakfast and lunch on the boat during cruise, lunch on the last day, entrance to Lepenski Vir, Golubac Fortress, staying taxes and inssurance in hotel and on boat, services of tour guide and local guides, tolls and fees.
Not included in price
- Drinks during the cruise and in the hotel
- Individual costs of passengers
- Optional excursions
- Hand massages and jacuzzi
Terms of payment
Advanced payment 50% while booking, the rest of the amount at least 10 days before the departure.
Nada Milosavljević -
26.08.2024Poštovani, bila sam nedavno na ovoj turi sa suprugom i majkom od 84 godine. Prezadovoljna sam. Iako plovidba traje duže, svaki trenutak je bio zanimljiv, posluženje na brodu bogato i raznovrsno, osoblje neposredno i ljubazno. Smeštaj u hotelu. obroci u sistemu švdskog stola, brzi prijem, udobnost, kvalifikovani vodič, sve je bilo savršeno. Iz svakog detalja se vidi da je vaš turizam profesionalan. Sve preporuke.
Slobodan Martinović -
20.08.2024Organizacija ture je odlična. Vodič profesionalac i zaljubljenik u svoj posao - izgleda da smo zaista imali sreću. Sve pohvale i za ostalo osoblje kako na brodu tako i u hotelu ...da ne zaboravimo i ljubazne vozače. Na putovanju smo bili sa rođacima iz inostranstva koji su bili prijatno iznenađeni celokupnom organizacijom, tako da pohvale i sa njihove strane. Ovo je jedno od putovanja koje ćemo sigurno ponoviti.
Zorica Rajda -
29.07.2024Poštovani, Tura je zaista dobro osmišljena. Ali,uvek može bolje! Mislim da bi prvi dan mogao biti raznovrsniji. Putovanje brodom bi se moglo podeliti na dva dana. Tajming obroka bi možda mogao biti korigovan. Animator za vreme putovanja bi takođe bio od koristi. Još jednom hvala za pružene usluge. Zorica i Peter Rajda iz Novog Sada.
Ksenija Jovanovic -
18.07.2023Izuzetno dobro koncipirana tura, sa putovanjem brodom u jednom pravcu( oko 10 sati), i autobusom u drugom sa razgledanjem Lepenskog Vira, Golubačke tvrđave ,i Kapetan Mišinog brega, odakle se pruža predivan pogled na Dunav, kao i zajednički ručak u Etno selu. Izuzetno ljubazni domaćini, kvalitetne usluge i dobra volja da se ugodi gostu.. uključujući degustaciju vina uz prikladnu zakusku....sve Ture razgledanja na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Najtoplije bih preporučila svima koji imaju bilo kakvu dilemu , da se opuste, krenu i predaju nezaboravnim doživljajima koje će vam Dunav nesebično dati.
paulina_stipec67_gmail_com -
05.09.2022Prezadovoljna sam putovanjem i prepuna lijepih utisaka. Organizacija je odlična i sve je proteklo glatko, od same rezervacije putovanja, do povratka u Beograd. Velika pohvala za našeg vodiča Olgicu Živković, divna osoba, jako ljubazna, prijatna i veoma potkovana znanjem! Ovo je jedno putovanje koje obogati i oplemeni čovjeka, priroda predivna, mjesta bogata istorijskim događajima, nova prijateljstva sklopljena! Preporučujem ovo putovanje svim srcem! Hvala!