Odžaci: Explore 7,000 Years of History and Nature
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Odžaci: Explore 7,000 Years of History and Nature

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Odžaci - A Town with a 7.000-Year History

Nestled in the fertile Bačka Plain and surrounded by the Danube and endless fields of reeds, Odžaci is a serene escape where nature's charms abound. Did you know that this area has been steeped in history for over 7.000 years?

Natural Attractions - Excursions and EuroVelo 6

Just a few kilometers from the center of Odžaci, the magnificent Danube and numerous canals and lakes beckon nature lovers to spend their weekends here, enjoying walks, boat rides, or canoeing. The Special Nature Reserve of Gornje Podunavlje runs through the Odžaci municipality, offering opportunities for ecological education or simply enjoying the stunning natural landscapes. The EuroVelo 6 cycling route, which extends from the Atlantic to the Black Sea, passes through Odžaci, allowing cyclists to experience one of Europe’s largest routes. Rent a bike and embrace the Danube cycling spirit!

Red-Haired Goddess - The Symbol of Odžaci

The history of this area dates back to prehistory, exemplified by the "Red-Haired Goddess" statue, a fertility deity reflecting ancient agricultural settlements over 7.000 years old. The statue was discovered at Donja Branjevina, a site that harbors the oldest farming culture in Europe. Nearby, you can explore numerous homesteads and the Savić Windmills, a small farm showcasing handcrafted windmills for irrigation. Odžaci is rich in sacred sites, including the Gallery of Saint Raphael, which houses an impressive collection of artworks.

Festivals and Events

The central event in Odžaci is the "Days of the Red-Haired Goddess", celebrating the fertility and prosperity symbolized by the statue. The festival includes children’s, cultural, and sports programs, with a gastronomic offering of Vojvodina's dishes. Another notable event is "Tambura in the Heart of Deronje", held in Deronje, a village seven kilometers from Odžaci, celebrating Roma tambura music. This festival features "Krofnijada", a donut festival, and opportunities to try sheep stew and see old tractor exhibits. "Don’t Forget the Storks" is an event dedicated to the Ličani, the largest ethnic group in Odžaci, showcasing traditional customs, songs, and dances from the Dinaric region.

Food Recommendations

Local specialties include "taške", a traditional sweet, fish stew, and "fish on a tray," staples around the Danube. Ličani dishes such as "Lički uštipci" (Lićani fritters) and "Lička basa" (a type of soft white cheese) are also must-tries.

Accommodation and Practical Information

In Odžaci and its vicinity, you can stay at Hotel "Sloboda," the town’s only hotel, or in various apartments. For a more rustic experience, consider staying in ethnological houses or rural homesteads. The town’s many attractions make it a year-round destination, though spring or summer is ideal for enjoying its outdoor offerings, including a local swimming pool.

Getting to Odžaci

Odžaci is 139 kilometers from Belgrade, 378 kilometers from Niš, and just 57 kilometers from Novi Sad. You can reach neighboring Croatia via the Danube and Bogojevo border crossing, and the Novi Sad - Sombor railway line passes through the municipality.
